2024 – Centennial & 96th FRA/91st LAFRA Convention

96th FRA and 91st Auxiliary of the FRA
National Conventions

The FRA Centennial and the 96th FRA/91st LAFRA Convention was held at the DoubleTree by Hilton, 210 Holiday Court, Annapolis, Maryland, during the week of November 10-16, 2024.

RPNW Robert Bean, Branch 38’s delegate to the convention, stated that there was a major turnout for the ceremony at the Arlington National Cemetery where the Fleet Reserve Association hosted this year’s ceremony.

He also said that this year the NBOD will be helping more on the legislative end of things since our long-time director retired and our New Legislative Director, Theo Lawson, takes over the reins.

FRA National Officers elected for the 2024-25 term are as follows:
National President – Maria Behm
          Nat’l Vice President – Rick Fetro
          Jr Past Nat’l President – John Handzuk

National President’s Serial Letter 9-25 has been published on the FRA Website under Official Correspondence on your Profile page.