Veterans Service

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Dave Lord                                      /       PRPNW Tom Flanik    /  PRPEC S. D. Martin
Br 38 Chair                                   /      NWR Chair                     /       National Chair
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2024 VSO Report Form  
2024 VAVS Report Form

I continue to study the VA websites and the latest news on the ways I may assist you with your Service Claim.

Attach is a two page Warning about Veteran Phishing:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance.

Very Respectfully



This committee keeps track and participates in FRA VSO and VAVS programs, providing education and outreach of same to the branch membership.  It reports on the number and activities of Branch level FRA accredited VSO representatives and representatives in the VAVS program an solicits Shipmates to become involved in the departments of veterans affairs/services on the state, local or national level, including VA regional offices, medical facilities, state or national veteran cemeteries or veteran homes.